About us

Ago International is specialised in the selection and recruitment of employees, middle management and top executives for several companies.
Ago International stands for service, quality and an approach with a clear view.
Our mission
Recruitment and selection agencies accomplish missions.Ago International realises more! We are Investors in People with different top management skills.
Our mission?
For our clients, find the right candidate at the right time at the right place.
With our focus on higher-educated, both high potentials and seasoned professionals, we offer you the most sought-after candidates on the market. We go for a quality match that meets your long-term expectations.
The long-term match is our goal. We address suitable candidates through various channels. This is followed by a rigorous selection based on experience, competences and, above all, compatibility with the company.
During our cooperation, we always take into account the expectations and preferences of both parties. Our discreet and direct style guarantees pleasant cooperation.
Patrick Levecque celebrates 31st anniversary of his recruitment and selection agency Ago International
KORTRIJK – The 30th anniversary of Ago International should actually have been celebrated in 2020, but a virus decided otherwise. This spurred the owner and CEO of this renowned recruitment and selection agency, Patrick Levecque, to hold the festivities this year instead. The cream of the Flemish corporate world was therefore invited to enjoy a night on the town with James Bond and 007’s latest release No Time to Die. An appropriate theme, because Levecque is, above all, a man on a mission. (K.C.)
The event was attended by some 300 business owners, shareholders and decision-makers from various companies from 17 different branches of industry. Five prominent guest speakers, including Honorary Governor Paul Breyne and the CEOs of Jet Import (Redbull), Stadsbader Group, Mydibel and Open Tours (UK), briefly took the floor to speak about the many years of successful collaboration they enjoyed with the agency in the field of Human Resources Top Recruitment.
Ago International was established in 1990, in which Patrick Levecque focused from the outset exclusively on the selection and recruitment of senior executives, middle management staff and white-collar workers. The list of references that Levecque and his multi-talented team accumulated in 31 years is impressive. An entrepreneur in every sense of the word, Levecque did not limit himself to operating exclusively in the south of West Flanders but he also extended his field of activities to other provinces(Sint-Martens-Latem, Brussels) and even across the border, with branches in Lille and London. A branch will soon be opened in Paris as well. ‘Our clients come from a vast diversity of sectors, including the service industry’, says Patrick Levecque.
Three happy parties
Although 2020 was a challenging year for many, it was marked by positive results and growth for Ago International. ‘As in all sectors, an organisation has to adapt quickly to the changed market conditions and we did so immediately’, says Patrick. He continues: ‘For example, we did not hesitate to start screening CVs digitally right away, or making use of video conferencing and zoom meetings, while many others were still having doubts about using these tools. All in all, we were able to successfully recruit candidates for 18 absolute top-level positions in the entire year 2020, in addition to 110 middle management staff and 35 white-collar workers.
This was virtually identical to the results we achieved in 2019. Our mission may be difficult, but it is crystal-clear. We always want to see three happy parties at the end of the day: that of the company that hired us, the employee who found a new job – and us. We attach considerable importance to long-term relationships. Achieving this mission requires a great deal of empathy, a high level of competence and the right network that includes people in top-level positions. This is why we always go in search of the true DNA of a company, and link this to the aspirations of the candidates. Neutral and ‘other’ members of Supervisory Councils are also being recruited more and more frequently by Ago International. The demand for candidates to fill discrete and anonymous interim management positions has also been increasing. Prospective co-investors can also rely on our services.’
The right attitude
A total of 17 specialised recruiters, freelancers included, work at Ago International. Patrick Levecque, one of whose favourite hobbies is fencing, upholds a number of principles in which he, as an entrepreneur, firmly believes. He has always been a champion of recruitment. Levecque says: ‘I have always been good at spotting talent, and started doing this at an early age through sports clubs or youth associations. Companies complaining about a scarcity on the market should certainly point their gaze in this direction. He who sows early, reaps more later on. I also believe strongly that a candidate’s attitude is more important than his or her diploma. A diploma is a first step and very important as such, but there are also other elements: passion and enjoyment, daring to think outside the box, personal drive and a desire for improvement, job satisfaction and wanting to distinguish yourself from your competitors. These are all crucial factors that will increase your chances of professional success. We are always on the lookout for the most suitable candidate and that does not always have to be the one with the highest qualifications. Our diverse customer base shows that we deliver highly professional services. I always say: “Serve first, earn later”.’
Ago International pushes the limits of recruitment to the board chambers
KORTRIJK - The top HR selection office Ago International, a notorious supplier of the better employees to major Belgian companies, SMEs and multinationals, is expanding its range. Now their services are also provided for the boardrooms. In addition to the no less than nineteen sectors where, on behalf of the business world, talent is sought for all possible senior and middle management positions and senior employees, confidential counselors are now being searched and recruited as external advisers on the most diverse Boards of Directors. (K.C.)
AGO INTERNATIONAL was founded 28 years ago in Kortrijk - where it still has its roots and headquarters - by the rather discreetly operating Patrick Levecque. The HR and selection office grew strongly, both in terms of number of sectors (no less than 19, each with an à la carte market approach), and geographically. In addition to offices in Sint-Martens-Latem (23 years ago) and Brussels (17 years ago), offices have also been set up in London (9 years ago) and in Lille (15 years ago). According to Patrick, the presence in London and Lille means a great added value for recruiting expats. "We are focused on both industry and services", he says. "In doing so, we are looking for top talent for a wide variety of functions for companies: CEOs, CFOs, COOs, all C-levels but also personal assistants, export managers, accountants, project managers, assistant business managers, plant managers or sales, it all passes revue. Something for everyone."
New is the fact that we are increasingly being asked to look for confidential counselors who can sit as external and independent advisers on the most diverse Boards of Directors. "It appears to be a trend, and we are keen to respond to it", according to co-managing director Dunja Reynaert.
Different than others
The search for suitable personnel is an ultimate challenge for all companies. There are recruitment and selection agencies that trade, and there are agencies that trade and invest in people. "We want to belong to that second category", says Dunja Reynaert. "Our mission is crystal clear: to find the most suitable candidate for our clients, and to look for the job that best suits the capacities and ambition of our candidate. It is no coincidence that our company slogan is: dream, believe, achieve. "
AGO INTERNATIONAL has established a reputation since 1990 as a qualitative, goal-oriented and honest partner for not the least companies from the region and all over the country. The reference list does not lie. For reasons of discretion and respect for the clients, the management prefers not to go into this any further. Today, Ago International has more than 70 management and middle management positions on offer. With its vertical approach (19 specialized sectors, which cover virtually the entire market), it has acquired an important strategic advantage. A multidisciplinary top team guarantees this.
Ago International is now one of the top 10 Belgian recruitment and selection agencies and is the founding member of Federgon.
Made in West-Flanders, 19/02/2018